Readymag is a web-based tool that allows you to design digital publications, websites, presentations, and more in a simple way. It lets you give your project a professional and creative look.
As its name indicates, Readymag can be used to create online magazines or editorials. It presents articles in way that is both visually pleasing and creative, staying away from the stale usual look of online newspaper articles.
Readymag is also a trusted landing page design tool. Choose from many options and let the user-friendly platform help you design your e-commerce or personal website to produce a result that will attract interest and attention.
The tool has attracted interest from small players as well as from some of the biggest and most recognized companies. Airbnb, Esquire, or Forbes all use Readymag to some extent.
Readymag lets you design your publications for desktop, mobile, and tablet. It also provides all the fonts you need, stock photos (from Unsplash), icons (from The Noun Project), ready-to-use templates, customized forms, animations, and more.
Readymag has different plans. The Free plan allows you to have 1 published project at a time with limited functionalities. The Creator and Professional have a monthly fee and provide a lot more options including an unlimited number of published projects. Alternatively, the Custom plan starts at the price of the Creator plan and allows you to add the extras you need for an additional fee.