

Reduce image size
Image Optimization

JPEGmini is an online tool that allows users to reduce the size of a photo while maintaining a high resolution and quality. This is perfect to help you save hard drive space, reduce the size of your attachments, and improve the load time of your website.

Simple tool that fits all devices

JPEGmini uses a simple drag and drop system for images. Photos can be resized to your preferred specifications individually or in a batch. JPEGmini is also compatible with the cameras with the highest resolutions as well as with Windows and Mac.

Enjoy a faster experience

High quality images shouldn’t slow down your site or force you to upload less photos. They should not take up all the space in your email inbox either. JPEGmini reduces the file size of your photos by up to 80% without compromising on quality, improving your experience and that of your users.

Save Money

Having smaller image files that are still of an excellent quality can mean reduced costs for storage. You would also need less external supports for the photos, less email space and less space on the cloud.

No compromise on quality

Even though the file sizes are smaller, photos can still be printed and the result will be excellent. In addition, the lighter files will make your website load faster, thus improving SEO ranking.


There are licensing fees for the app and a higher fee for the plugin compatible with photo editing software.

Mac, Windows

JPEGmini Tutorials for Beginners

Resize your photos with JPEGmini

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